Niche Productions presents...
Muroki flies back over the Tasman for two early 2024 shows, hitting the Stranded Bar in Brisbane on 8 Feb and Sydney’s Vanguard on 9 Feb.
With Love Cocoon, his latest collab with BENEE hitting the Triple J playlist this week, the Kenyan Kiwi is looking set to follow his breakout hit Wavy with another dreamy banger.
Acclaim were also quickly onto the track, calling it a hazy blend of psychedelic melodies and indulgent vocals from the two Kiwi talents, and has quickly become one of our favourite songs of the summer.
His next EP is scheduled to drop in 2024, and having shared the stage with Jack Johnson jamming on Wavy and most recently performing alongside Ocean Alley in Auckland, he promises to deliver a killer show for Australian crowds.
This is an 18+ event.
Do not attend if you are feeling unwell.
Once purchased tickets are non-refundable & non-transferable
A booking fee applies to all advance tickets. (All quoted prices include tax).
Over 18's only unless advertised otherwise.
All children under 18 not permitted including small children and babies. Photo ID is essential, acceptable ID is a current and valid Australian Drivers Licence or Passport. Intoxicated persons will not be admitted. No thongs, steel cap boots, or spiked attire. Dangerous behaviour including Crowd Surfing, Stage Diving, Moshing and Violent Dancing is not allowed and will result in your immediate removal from this venue. Inappropriate behaviour at this venue will lead to your banning.