



12:00am, Sat 16 November, 2024
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    • First Release Sales Close: 9:00pm, Fri 15 Nov, 2024
    • Second Release Sales Close: 9:00pm, Fri 15 Nov, 2024
    • Third Release Sales Close: 9:00pm, Fri 15 Nov, 2024
    • Buy 3 Get 1 Free Sales Close: 9:00pm, Fri 15 Nov, 2024
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Event Details

Get ready for an epic party—introducing DAYBASS, the ultimate day party you won't want to miss!

Not getting your fix of bass experiences? DAYBASS is here, and our crew of bass junkies promise to deliver pure fire. Get ready to skank & rave because DAYBASS is taking over ivy this November for a UKG and Drum & Bass session that'll blow your mind

This November, we're taking over Sydney’s #1 venue ivy, jumping on their recently  $1 million renovated system with multiple rooms of the best bass music, featuring a powerhouse lineup straight from the UK and hand selected local talent.


  • Taiki Nulight (UK)

  • S.P.Y (UK)

  • DJ Q (UK)

  • Burt Cope (UK)

  • Killjoy (UK)

Event Details:

  • Location: The Ivy, Sydney

  • Date: 16th November

  • Time: 12 PM - 8 PM


  • hotbabe93

  • Emergy

  • House of Lowkey

  • Kinetic Theory

  • How About

  • Madsync

  • Streetflicker

  • Kate Savage

  • Rudie


Hosted by:

Sounds Like, iRock Entertainment, Let's Go Dancing, SHOOK, BASSAUS & Peaches

Ready to make history on the dance floor? See you at DAYBASS!