The Perth Blues Club presents Stumptown + Alessandro Lepore + Lab Rats
Stumptown performs lesser known material from the great blues musicians, along with originals of their own pioneering history. The band are all members of the South West Blues Club, where they met and were a part of a group formed to play at the Bali Blues Festival in 2018. When the gig fell through they decided to ‘keep the train moving’ and entered the Inaugural Busselton Battle of the Bands in August of this year. They won the comp and now are a resident band at the Ship Inn in Busselton with a growing list of appearances at venues in the South West.
Stumptown blues is raw, hard, passionate and powerful. If you ain’t tapping your feet and swaying your hips by the end of the first song, then you’d better check your pulse.
• Hound Dog Dave (Bassett) lead vocalist and harp player • Ron Kinson lead guitar • Martin Boyd on the four stringer • Rod McCosker on the skins.
Stumptown are supported by Alessandro Lepore (7.30pm) and Lab Rats (9.45pm)
Alessandro Lepore
Isn’t it the reason why songs exist and are sung and listened to? Intimate stories, the ones where love knocks you out or lifts you up to the sky, or the ones in which everyday pressure and difficulties make life tough, at times impossible, and make you feel small and desperate. These are the stories Alessandro loves to sing, even if they are sad or epic. Alessandro has played for years in local bands – standard blues, rock, folk but also reggae and funk – until one day he jumped on a plane, headed for Phoenix, Arizona. The desert was a source of new and deeper musical inspirations. There, he found his style and his voice. Once back in Italy, Alessandro took part in several festivals. To mention a few, “Acoustic Guitar Meeting” in Sarzana, a festival of an international calibre; “Musiche Festival” in Rome where he obtained significant recognitions and the associated press defined him as one of the most promising new artist; “L’ Artista Che Non C’era” at CPM in Milan, where he was awarded ‘best Italian artist’ in 2014 by Francesco Mussida, guitarist and composer belonging to the historical Italian Band ‘PFM’. Alessandro shared the stage with artists of international calibre, some of them my strongest influences and inspiration: Michael McDermott, Martin Sexton and Louis Ledford.
His first album, 'HOW MUCH TIME' self-produced thanks to the collaboration of Jazz musicians, was followed by 24/7 – TWENTYFOURSEVEN, recorded and produced at Studio 13 in Phoenix. The third one 'THE LONG SILENCE' was produced in Italy and released in December 2018 .
Lab Rats
The Lab Rats are a professional level energetic trio featuring guitar bass drums playing modern rock blues, boogie and funk. Influences are new badass American guitar-driven players, think Tony Spinner, Mike Zito, Chris Duarte, Damon Fowler, Phil X and the list goes on. ‘Rats’ powerhouse Russell Bond on guitar and vocals covers all rock and blues genres with dense rhythms and searing and toneful solos. Tony Edwards and Drew Haswell round out the band’s kick-butt rhythm section with tight beats and sub-hooks. Stage experience in spades from these guys, think Flashpoint, Creeping Jesus, Nasty Dogz, Stonefish, Vivid, Bad
Penny and Doctor Velvet Band. Some having PBC outings. Lab Rats aim to take Perth live blues in a new direction away from the usual suspects. Cool to showcase their fresh punchy style and repertoire 'rat' style...
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