This event has passed and sales are now closed.
Queer Club is a LGBTQIA+ inclusive event to celebrate the queer, creative and live music community. It is a kind safe space that encourages everyone to come as they are and unite with music. Queer Club is highlighting 5 sickening Australian Queer live music acts, with the fabulous Drag Queen Ophelia Butt hosting and performing during the night. Get ready to immerse yourself in our glitter bar and embrace the rainbow.
Bring your Cheer, Uniqueness, Niceness and Taste for a night like no other.
Free Glitter bar by Glitter Me Adelaide 7-9pm
Live Performances from:
Oscar The Wild
Sunsick Daisy
DJ Holliii spinning queer tunes and 2000's from 12-3am
A reminder that this event is 18+