Yours & Owls Presents...
Nothing Rhymes With David - Album Launch w/ Greenwave Beth & Lady Lyon
This is a page to purchase tickets a performance by a band.
The name of this band is Nothing Rhymes with David.
Daryl plays drums. David sings and plays guitar. Hazel plays guitar and sings.
For these performances, they will be joined by their friends Elliot and Ben.
Elliot plays bass. Ben plays guitar.
The show will take place at La La La's. It is a venue in Wollongong, where David lives.
The show will be taking place on unceded Dharawal land.
The band will be performing songs from their new album.
The album is called sky lonely. It is out now.
The band hopes you enjoy listening to the album, and furthermore hope you enjoy the show – should you
attend, that is.
The show will feature a performance from Greenwave Beth.
They make electronic pop music, and are one of the best live acts in Australia.
The show will also feature a performance from Lady Lyon.
She is a wonderful singer-songwriter with a beautiful voice and a hypnotising stage presence.
All are welcome.
This is the end of the blurb. It is now safe to turn off your computer.
Summer Series: Vertebrae
Thu 16 Jan 2025, 8.00pm | Bootleggers, NSW
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