Dave Graney and the mistLY will be launching their new album called ZIPPA DEEDOO WHAT IS/WAS THAT/THIS? They play music drawn from a lifetime in rock 'n' roll culture. They didn't learn their licks in school, they made their own mistakes and set up their own standards.
Dave Graney and the mistLY are gonna paint up 2019 with a new album called ZIPPA DEEDOO WHAT IS/WAS THAT/THIS?
Its approximately their 30th (?) and is a killer set of rock music. Made properly, like they've always done. It has "eight songs done thirteen ways" and ranges from pop gems like "baby I wish I'd been a better pop star" to their homage to Stones Lore in ULTRAKEEF and then the 8 1/2 minute West Coast epic jam that is served up twice that is Is That WhatYou Did?.
They play music drawn from a lifetime in rock 'n' roll culture. They didn't learn their licks in school, they made their own mistakes and set up their own standards.
Whatever they do, whatever they play, they bring their ace game. Their primo strategies. Their stellar grooves and street wise lyrical fire.
Visit http://www.davegraney.com