BROTHER BRAD - “Gotta Be” Single Launch
Sydney's funk rockers Brother Brad today mark their return to OAF's Gallery Bar, following on from their single launch at the venue earlier in the year, which saw the venue hit sold out status well in advance.
On Friday, 13th October, there's a high chance it'll all happen again, with Brother Brad returning to launch yet another single, the eclectic jam Gotta Be; yet another gem to be found on the band's forthcoming debut EP. Demonstrating their grungier rock side, Gotta Be sees Brother Brad lay an Aussie hip hop twang abed a hypnotic groove of crunchy guitar and synth, consolidated by a driving rhythm section.
Gotta Be follows in the footsteps of its older sibling Digital Revolution, the band's former single, as an ode to simpler times - the prime message being that the increasing of rules and regulations in today's society won't hold people down.
Brother Brad are proving to be a force majeure in the live front. With a solid legion of fans eager to follow the band wherever they may roam, Brother Brad has rocked many a Sydney venue.
Now it's time to stop reading, and book your ticket as this will sell out.