Marketing Specifications

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Social Media

For all socials: Please supply engaging images or video per each scheduled post.

Content must be supplied at least one week prior. If assets are not supplied on time, placements cannot be guaranteed and may be subject to change.

Facebook Posts

Video (Recommended)
Dimensions 1280 x 720 (Horizontal) or 1080 x 1080 (Square)
Scale/ Aspect Ratio 16:9 (Hotizontal) or 1:1 (square)
Length Max length 30 sec
Max file size -
Formats MP4, MOV
Notes For optimal reach supply a video cover image of the same dimensions containing 20% or less text in the image
Dimensions 1200 x 630 (Horizontal) or 1080 x 1080 (Square)
Scale/ Aspect Ratio 1.91:1
Length -
Max file size -
Formats JPG, GIF, PNG
Notes For optimal reach ensure 20% or less text in Facebook images

Facebook Cover

Cover Video
Dimensions 820 x 462
Scale/ Aspect Ratio -
Length 20 seconds - 90 seconds
Max file size 30fps, 1.75GB (Max)
Formats MP4, MOV
Notes Ensure any key images / information is centred within 312px in height and 560px in width
Cover Photo
Dimensions 820 x 312
Scale/ Aspect Ratio 2.07:01
Length -
Max file size -
Formats JPG, GIF, PNG
Notes Ensure any key information is within a centred 560px range

Instagram Posts

Dimensions 1080 x 1080 or 1280 x 720
Scale/ Aspect Ratio Between 1.91:1 and 4:5
Length -
Max file size -
Formats JPG, PNG
Dimensions 1080 x 1080 or 1280 x 720
Scale/ Aspect Ratio 1.91:1
Length Max length 30 sec
Max file size 30fps, 1GB (Max)
Formats MP4, MOV

Instagram Story

Dimensions 1080 x 1920
Scale/ Aspect Ratio 4:5
Length Max length 10 sec
Max file size 650MB (Max)
Formats MP4, MOV


Dimensions 1024 x 512
Scale/ Aspect Ratio 2:1
Length -
Max file size 5MB for Photos, 3MB for GIF
Formats JPG, GIF, PNG
Notes Make sure content is horizontally centered to avoid odd cropping when viewing in stream
Dimensions 1280 x 1024
Scale/ Aspect Ratio 1:2.39
Length Max length 30 sec
Max file size 40fps
Formats MP4, MOV
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