

Support Australia's Roadies At Roady 4 Roadies

Written by Jay-Dee Pitcaithly on 18th December, 2018
Support Australia's Roadies At Roady 4 Roadies

Live production crew are the unseen heroes of the music industry, but these roles can often take their toll on those involved.

A 2015 Entertainment Assist study, conducted by Victoria University, revealed attempted suicide in the industry is more than double the rest of the population with one in six roadies committing suicide, over eight times the national average.

In response to this a volunteer team of Australia's leading live production personnel and industry professionals are hosting a national event on Sunday 10 March 2019 in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth and Adelaide on Sun 24 March 2019. All proceeds will go to Support Act.

The aim of Roady4Roadies is to bring public awareness to the diverse range of highly technical and creative skills required to make our dreams to come true and raise desperately needed funds to help those in crisis.

The day commences with the inaugural Roady4Roadies Walk, a leisurely 5km walk, followed by the Crewathlon, including Cable Comp, Stage Manager Sprint, Lighting Crew Limbo and Sound Crew Shimmy. The day concludes with awards, prizes, speeches and live entertainment.

Tickets are on sale now.

 Buy Tickets Here