

SOTA presents. State of the art + Crossy

Pitch Control

SOTA presents. State of the art + Crossy

9:00pm, Fri 22 November, 2024
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    • First Release Tickets Sales Close: 8:00pm, Fri 22 Nov, 2024
      Allocation Exhausted
    • Final Release Tickets Sales Close: 8:00pm, Fri 22 Nov, 2024
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You need to be 18+ to attend this event

* Total price is in AUD and includes GST and service fees.
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Event Details

This summers festival season cemented Sota’s place as the most highly celebrated new name in DnB with huge performances at Tomorrowland, Let it Roll, Glastonbury, Reading and Leeds and the career defining Origin at Boomtown.

Fresh from his electrifying Touch Bass performances, SOTA returns to Australia bringing this cutting edge show down under for the very first time; State Of The Art...