MDFF: Short Documentary Session 1
Theme: Short Documentary Session 1
Date: Sunday 8th July 2018, Doors Open 11.30am, Starts: 12pm
Venue: Howler, 7-11 Dawson St, Brunswick VIC 3056, Australia
Documentary Session 1:
Biography/Docu-Drama / Profile
Title: Not Just Another Mountain
Directed By: Chris Davis
Description: Auckland's One Tree Hill is a much-loved local icon, known to many internationally through the U2 song. The silhouetted image of a single tree on the volcanic summit is burned into the mind of many New Zealanders - so when that tree was cut down by a Maori activist, it provoked a strong, divided emotional response from many.
Title: Covered Glaciers
Directed by: Stephan Ziwes
Description: Glaciers, massive giants at first sight, fragile monuments at second glance.
Title: You Are Here
Directed By: Nicholas Jones
Description: You Are Here is a portrait of Tony Rogers, a rock star who is a member of one of the most successful British bands of the last 20 years, The Charlatans.
Title: Magne
Directed By: Silvia Schmidt
Description: H e was locked inside his body. His world - and the world of his family - was turned upside down when he learned how to write and to finally start expressing his thoughts and feelings. This film is about Magne - what's it like to be Magne? What are his dreams, aspirations and fears?
Inspiring Stories
Title: Drummer Girl
Directed By: Sophie Hexter
Description: Moving between past reflections and future dreams, Renee's story reveals a fervent and determined artist set to a bold musical score.
Title: One Breath
Directed By: Sebastian Solberg
Description: An immersive insight into the life of freedivers Eusebio and Christina Saenz De Santamaria as they attempt to set a new world record.
Title: Discovering Heaven
Directed By: Stephen Gray
Description: A documentary about Captain Dale Black, a pilot who died in a famous airplane crash which was covered by the LA Times. After coming back to life, Dale shares his near death experience as the sole survivor of a non-survivable plane wreck.
Title: Timbo
Directed By: Peiman Zekavat
Description: Construction of dams by energy companies in the Brazilian Amazon would destroy the heart of the world's largest rainforest, and severely affect the community of the indigenous people in the area
Title: Amazonia Damned
Directed By: Ada Bodjolle
Description: Amazonia Dammed tells the story of the Munduruku people's urgent struggle to protect the heart of the Amazon against one of the largest mega-dam projects on earth.
Pop Culture Art .Avante Garde
Title: Ex Niholo
Directed By: Timo Wright
Description: Ex Nihilo is an experimental short documentary about life, death and our attempts to control them. It tells the stories of an advanced humanoid robot, a cryonics facility, where the brains of deceased people are held and of a seed vault, where crop seed from around the world are held frozen
Title: Our Ghosts
Directed By: Hannah Ruddle
Description: Our Ghosts explores the physical garden and the one built from memories and experiences which exists only inside their minds. What happens when they have to leave it behind?