

Massive pres. Metrik (UK)

Massive pres. Metrik (UK)

10:00pm, Fri 13 September, 2024
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    • First Release Sales Close: 10:00pm, Fri 13 Sep, 2024
      Allocation Exhausted
    • Second Release Sales Close: 10:00pm, Fri 13 Sep, 2024
      Allocation Exhausted
    • Final Release Sales Close: 10:00pm, Fri 13 Sep, 2024
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You need to be 18+ to attend this event

* Total price is in AUD and includes GST and service fees.
For this event, a delivery fee of $2.00 will apply if you elect to receive your tickets via SMS
For this event, a Transaction Fee of $3.10 will apply to the total order value of your purchase.
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Event Details

Metrik returns to Massive this September!