

Màquina Peligrosa @ Shotkickers

Màquina Peligrosa @ Shotkickers

4:00pm, Sun 22 September, 2024
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    • Màquina Peligrosa @ Shotkickers Sales Close: 1:00pm, Sun 22 Sep, 2024

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An afternoon takeover of bitchin' tunes kicking off at 4pm!

Máquina Peligrosa are throwing down one of their wild live shows of heavy, fuzzed out surf, garage and trashy rock n roll!

Fresh out of the studio with 6 high-octane new tracks to release later in the year.

Máquina Peligrosa are joined by the raw rock 'n' roll rockabilly rhythm 'n' blues noise of Plastic Section and the mysterious Stu Manchu and His Chosen Few 

TICKETS: Are only $10 + BF via moshtix - Please buy in advance and support the bands!

Máquina Peligrosa "Live at The Gem" is available for free download on: BANDCAMP and can be added to your list of "favourite songs to drive fast to" on Spotify.
FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/share/rVLNRbGvvYBMeXuz/