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Enigma Bar Presents
Down and Out "Cyclone" Launch Show
8:00pm, Fri 26 August, 2022 - 7:00am, Sat 27 August, 2022
Enigma Bar, SA
Plus Guests:SoSo-Offset Vision-Left On Seen
Down And Out are back! With their 3rd single release of 2022 “Cyclone”. To celebrate our latest single, we’re having a release party at Enigma Bar and bringing a coupsy bangin’ interstate acts too! SoSo are a 5-piece pop/punk band from Sydney who label themselves as “offensively average pop-punk”, however their latest single D.R.E.A.M.S. is anything but average.
Offset Vision, another 5-piece pop/punk band, are coming all the way from Tasmania featuring heavy guitar driven melodic sounds that you don’t want to miss out on! Check out their latest release ‘Spaced Out’. Left On Seen are a new pop/punk band in the Adelaide scene who focus on “rambunctious story-telling and theatrical nonsense”. Their highly anticipated single ‘Life Support’ leaves us excited to see what they bring to the live stage!