




9:00pm, Fri 4 October, 2024 - 5:00pm, Sat 5 October, 2024
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    • Second Release Sales Close: 8:00pm, Fri 4 Oct, 2024
    • Final Release Sales Close: 8:00pm, Fri 4 Oct, 2024
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Young Marco’s sonic proclivities have run far and wide. After exploring almost every conceivable genre of club music and its history, his own characteristic trance-inducing sound took shape. His high energy psychedelic house and techno sets veer towards the unexpected, lifting crowds into a state of ecstasy all over the world. 


As the mind behind Safe Trip Records, he applies the same guiding principles. The label is heralded for its output, pushing up-and- coming talent and a string of highly successful, sought after compilations, from the 90s Italian house series Welcome To Paradise to the latest collections of early trance, Planet Love.


Marco’s discography includes two studio albums – Biology and Bahasa – not to mention a large array of EPs and compilation appearances that stand in testament to his uplifting, heartfelt sound. As a remixer, Marco has collaborated with the likes of Robyn, Sebastian Tellier, Marie Davidson and Metronomy, to name but a few, reimagining their tracks with signature flair.


Alongside Italian ambient pioneer Gigi Masin and Scottish musician Jonny Nash, he is one-third Gaussian Curve. With two now classic albums Clouds and The Distance out on Music from Memory, the supergroup were at the forefront of the recent ambient revival. In 2022, Marco broadened his ever-expanding repertoire by producing his first feature-length film score for Met Mes.


2023 saw Young Marco explosively crossover into new territories that were previously unchartered due to the release of the instant classic and soon to be Beatport no.1 hit ‘What You Say?”. The record, which samples Imogen Heap’s 2005 hit “Hide and Seek”, received it’s now retrospectively iconic debut during his set for Boiler Room at Dekmantel and has since served as a catapult onto multiple commercial radar’s around the world.


Synonymous with institutions like Dekmantel and Rush Hour, Young Marco has toured the world extensively over the past decade, most recently closing the main stage at Dekmantel, providing a full circle moment since the beginning of his new future. Yet whatever the context, at the core of his approach is a steadfast philosophy: to always defy expectations.




