


Our Golden Friend, LLA, P.A.K Records


8:00pm, Fri 25 October, 2024
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    • General Admission Sales Close: 8:00pm, Fri 25 Oct, 2024

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Blending buzz-saw twin guitars, booming horns, and a high-octane live set, Coldwave's abrasive brand of post-punk is controlled in its chaos.

The six-piece's frantic instrumentation forms the landscape for uncompromising, half-spoken vocal delivery that captures the anxiety and mundanity of the day-to-day.

Coldwave have asserted themselves int he South Australian music landscape over the past three years and are primed to cut their teeth over state borders in 2023. Having taken out the local slot for Adelaide's Laneway Festival this year, the ever evolving six-piece were the Triple J unearthed feature artist in February and selected to showcase at Bigsound 2023.

Wielding a sound described as "post-punk pulse accelerant", Coldwave's two EP releases for 2023, 'Same Window, Different House' & 'No Conflict' have been met with glowing praise, with the title track touted as "precise in it's chaos" (Dave McCarthy, Laundry Echo) and "a welcome shock to the system" (Dave Ruby Howe, Triple J)

Supported by Swapmeet & The Munch