Sci Fight Science Comedy Debate: “Humans are as good as it gets”
We're often pretty down on ourselves; us Homo Erectus. I mean, sure, we caused climate change. We've eliminated more species than arctic frosts or meteors combined. We invented hair in a can.
But are we too critical? I mean we've also done some pretty neat stuff. We closed the hole in the ozone layer (after making it). We mastered fire (more or less). We've been to space, and some of us have even come back. We banned hair in a can.
I mean, our competition is pretty bleak. Cockroaches can survive nuclear fallout but rubbish at making pavlova. Tardigrades are immortal, but similarly rubbish at making pavlova. Dolphins can't even say 'pavlova'.
Are humans as good as it gets? Or is the best yet to come?
Come drink, dine, and be merry as Sci Fight's wittiest scientists and most methodical comedians bash ideas together, vying for hearts, minds, and renewed tenure.
Sci Fight is a quarterly science comedy debate held at the wonderful Spotted Mallard, with your hosts the miserable Tom Lang and the agitated Alanta Colley.