MDFF: Animal / Environmental Docs

Theme: Animal / Environmental Docs
Date: 11th July 2018 Doors Open at 6.30pm, Starts at 7pm
Venue: Loop Bar, 23 Meyers Pl, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
Title: Kangaroo
Directed by: Kate McIntyre Clere & Michael McIntyre
Description: This groundbreaking film reveals the truth surrounding Australia's love-hate relationship Kangaroo unpacks a national paradigm where the relationship with kangaroos is examined
Title: Samantha's Amazing Acrocats
Directed by: Jacob Feiring
Description: A midlife crisis sparks forty-two year-old Samantha Martin to quit her day job and follow her dream of creating the world's first traveling cat circus, The Amazing Acrocats. In a broken down RV brimming with kitty litter, sparkling sets, and a full cast of high maintenance circus cat, Martin visits cities small and large to build circus buzz, in hopes of achieving stardom.
Title: Rodents of Unusual Size
Directed by: Chris Metzler
Description: Meet fisherman turned bounty hunter Thomas Gonzales and a pack of colorful diehards as they defend their land, and way of life against the unforgiving forces of nature. It is man vs. rodent. May the best mammal win.