Cell Block 69 Rock Spectactular - A Multi-story of Corey Not since the sold out performance of Two Thousand and Nineteen 80 Fourteen have the Canberrian Rock (and to a smaller extent but not to be undermined, synth pop) fans experienced the awesomeness of Corey in all if its magnitude of maxxtastic proportion.
Cell Block 69 Rock Spectactular - A Multi-story of Corey.
Not since the sold out performance of Two Thousand and Nineteen 80 Fourteen have the Canberrian Rock (and to a smaller extent but not to be undermined, synth pop) fans experienced the awesomeness of Corey in all if its magnitude of maxxtastic proportion.
The nine Corey's of power return to the ANU Bar and Stadium on Saturday Dec 19th Dec and will excite you with infinitely enhanced Rock action moves, and daring Corey-ography.
This year sees the return of Corey Spelling after a 5 year relapse of paranoia following that dreadful hair breaking incident during the controversial two thousand and 1989 Canberrian world tour. Spelling is back though and is excited to show fans the amazing art that has grown from his beautiful head. "His new hairstyle will tantalise your senses and leave you breathless, if not from the glory exuding from it, but also the fumes" - claims a review published in last Friday's Generic European Times magazine.
Cell Block 69 will appear at the ANU Bar and Stadium on Sat 19th Dec, with special guests to be announced shortly.